Alfred north whitehead late metaphysics
Alfred north whitehead late metaphysics

The common thread to be found in Whitehead’s work across diversified disciplines is his quest for universal connectedness, which. When The Concept of Nature by Alfred North Whitehead was first published in 1920 it was declared to be one of the most important works on the relation between. As Butler suggests for Benjamin, Whitehead's khora wants to confront us with a " sacred transience " (suffering happiness) of life that is always in the process of overcoming this violence of exclusion. Alfred North Whitehead (18611947) was a prominent multidisciplinary figure, whose intellectual interests extended over mathematics, philosophy of science, history of science, education, religion, and metaphysics. First Online: 25 June 2022 7 Accesses Abstract Alfred North Whitehead (18611947) was a prominent multidisciplinary figure, whose intellectual interests extended over mathematics, philosophy of science, history of science, education, religion, and metaphysics.

alfred north whitehead late metaphysics

While khora might remain a moment of the regulative mechanisms of phallogocentrism, as Butler argues against Kristeva and Irigaray, Whitehead's account of her confronts us with another possibility: that she suggests an invitation for refiguring and transmuting all metaphysical categories involved-like Ideas, sensible things, matter, place, Law-as void traces in her mutually immanent movement of the overcoming of their constitutional violence secured by her exclusion from the phallogocentric economy. Process and Reality is taken to be the definitive center of the Whiteheadian universe and the later works, thereby, appear to many only as applications or elaborations of themes already introduced earlier.

alfred north whitehead late metaphysics alfred north whitehead late metaphysics

In revisiting Butler's critique of Plato's khora in her reading of Derrida, Kristeva, and Irigaray in Bodies that Matter with Whitehead's use of khora in Adventures of Ideas, we ask whether Whitehead's understanding and use of khora repeats the heterosexual regime of intelligibility that Butler finds to be engrained in Plato's contrasting opposition of khora and Ideas-the autogenesis of the Law of the father. Alfred North Whitehead’s interpreters usually pay less attention to his later monographs and essays.

Alfred north whitehead late metaphysics